Cue No. 29

"Umbridge Takes Over"

Cue No. 29 - Umbridge Takes Over.mp4

Low strings wander around, as they do when a cue of ominous nature is beginning. Once the new educational decree comes into view; Umbridge’s theme begins. This is her theme at its most giddy and triumphant. She has achieved her goal in getting rid of Dumbledore and becoming headmistress of Hogwarts.

The horns declare her theme with orchestral strikes between notes. It is almost militaristic in its presentation. Winds echo this while Filch takes down portraits. Strings swirl around and the brass play a quasi-doom-pah, reflecting a sort of pompous evil that Umbridge represents. The texture quiets down when we see detention taking place in the great hall for all members of the DA. Shaky trills move around, almost scared to move because Umbridge might notice.

Cho is standing out in the entrance hall. The beginning notes of Harry in Love play over Umbridge’s theme simultaneously, showing how recent events have made Harry see Cho differently now. The students all walk past her, and the strings indulge the sadness of the situation. A quiet horn plays Hedwig’s theme while the scene transitions to the bridge. The "mirror motif" previously stated to represent thoughts of James plays over Harry’s discouragement. He tried his best to lead the way for his friends and it ultimately failed.