Cue No. 15

"Writing to Padfoot and Luna's Advice"

Cue No. 15 - Writing to Padfoot and Luna's Advice.mp4

A rarely heard concert version excerpt of Window to the Past is heard over Harry’s narration beginning this scene. In his letter to Sirius, we finally get to see their relationship continue after their connection as godfather and godson began two years earlier. As Harry expresses his current woes, the music gets nearly a full statement, and settles down as Harry walks into the woods towards Luna and the Thestrals.

Luna’s theme plays softly as she says hello, and gets a nice statement while she and Harry begin to converse. With this being Harry’s official introduction to the Thestrals, a variation on the music that played during his first encounter with the creatures plays, and once Luna begins to explain them, we hear original motif from Cue No. 11. Lonely chords move around underneath their conversation, and the scene uses choir and solo french horn as in some of the similar emotional beats from Prisoner of Azkaban.

Window to the Past returns at the end of the scene, and shows the beginning of Harry’s development from loneliness to strength in his friends.