Cue No. 21

"Harry Kisses Cho"

Cue No. 21 - Harry Kisses Cho.mp4

Harry’s Wondrous World dominates the beginning of this cue. Dumbledore’s Army is dispersing for Christmas break; the theme plays warmly over different happenings in the room as people say goodbye to each other. Once Harry is alone with Cho, he begins walking over to her, accompanied by a sad but hopeful tune played in unison between the piano, celesta, and vibraphone.

Strings comfort Cho as she thinks about Cedric. She brings him up, wondering if he’d be alive had he known all that they’ve learned. Cedric’s Funeral from the end of Goblet of Fire gets a reprise here in the woodwinds. It passes to the strings at the end of the line, and Harry comforts Cho with the knowledge that Cedric did know all of this, and that nobody could have prevented his death.

Solo piano begins playing Harry in Love, and mistletoe appears above them. Harry realizes immediately that this Christmas with Cho will go much differently from last. Woodwinds return and gently build up to the moment when Harry finally leans in to kiss her. A big orchestral statement of Harry in Love gets its moment as they share this together.