Cue No. 10

"At the Station and the Journey to Hogwarts"

Cue No. 10 - At the Station and the Journey to Hogwarts.mp4

The Order theme plays in its nostalgic way when Harry opens the old photo. He sees the original Order of the Phoenix: many people he knows are in it, including his own parents. The Family theme plays during the long camera shot on the two of them. As Harry and Sirius say goodbye, the orchestra turns to Window to the Past. Harry’s godfather is his remaining family, and now he must once again say goodbye to him. A noble horn finishes out the theme as they part ways, and the music suddenly becomes uneasy.

On the platform, a slow buildup of extended techniques enter the texture. Different percussion instruments accentuate the strange figure Harry sees at the other end. Does nobody see this man? Harry gets closer and realizes, along with the music, that this is Voldemort. Voldemort is on Platform 9 and ¾, and nobody is paying any attention to him. The music threatens to snap, and Harry wakes up. It was another vision.

Safely on the train and headed to Hogwarts, fragments of the 3-note fade away, and a solo horn takes over with Hedwig’s Theme. The camera pan up to Hogwarts is colored by sparkling, baroque-style Double Trouble, reflecting the more quiet arrival at the school and again calling back to the similar atmosphere established in Prisoner of Azkaban.

Once they get off the train at Hogsmeade Station, Malfoy finds Harry almost immediately. He is accompanied, for the first time, by a quote of the Death Eater theme. After Harry saw with his own eyes that Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater once again, he cannot unsee this quality in Draco. The strings descend down and the cue ends in an uncomfortable angst.