Cue No. 25

"Bath Time"

Cue No. 25 - Bath Time.mp4

Uncertain chords play over the establishing shot of the bridge to the Hogwarts grounds. Harry and Hermione discuss the egg and the upcoming task, and a slow statement of her theme accompanies their moments of laughter. When the topic of the upcoming task comes back, calm and uncertain music returns for the duration of the conversation.

After Harry walks away, he’s confronted by Cedric bringing up the previous task, which summons a Triwizard Theme. A horn takes over, playing Cedric’s theme as he discusses the possible clue inside the egg with Harry. Chords move upwards as Harry becomes more and more puzzled at what Cedric is telling him. Once they reach the top, they burst into sparkling arpeggiated motions that aurally describe the faucets of the bathroom turning on.

Chords follow Harry’s confusion as he sits in the bathtub and thinks about how crazy this is. A mermaid on the stained glass window is accompanied by a female choir and celesta as she does her hair, and observes a very confused Harry trying to figure out the clue inside the egg. More uncertain chords lead up to Harry opening the egg, only to once again hear unbearable screeching sounds. The orchestra joins in this time with dissonances across all instruments.

A familiar voice comes from a stall on the other side of the bathroom. The music knows who it is before Harry does, and plays her theme as Moaning Myrtle flies out of a toilet and across the bathroom. The orchestra choreographs her diving into the tub and popping back out. Harry and Myrtle discuss the egg over more uncomfortable chords. Her theme plays again as she tells him to try putting it underwater. As he goes under with the egg, he opens it and hears a chant sung by merpeople. The words are as follows:

Come seek us where our voices sound

We cannot sing above the ground

An hour long you’ll have to look

To recover what we took

Once Harry is back above water, Myrtle’s theme continues as she gets more and more uncomfortably close. There is one more choreographed musical moment as she jumps towards Harry and laughs. One more batch of uncomfortable chords see the cue to the end as Harry sits in a very disappointed position in the library.