Cue No. 1

"Opening and the London Attack"

UPDATED Cue No. 1 - Opening and the London Attack.mp4

Updated 6/9/21 with new reverb presets!

Over the Warner Brothers logo, a new theme opens the score. This is the "Call of the Prince,” which will come to represent the mysteriously marked-up potions book, and its equally mysterious editor, that Harry will come across in this film. The second theme heard over the logo is the Fawkes B theme, which more or less serves as a display of strain and mystery around Dumbledore and his mission in this film.

Strings begin moving around slowly and emotionally during the flashback to events from the end of Order of the Phoenix. The mood is that of a conclusion rather than a beginning, solidifying this film as a true continuation rather than something starting from nothing. The orchestra comes to the top of a crescendo, and a full and dark Hedwig’s Theme sounds out over the title of the film.

The music calms down once inside a generic office building in London. The employees are all looking outside at something the audience cannot see. Violas shiver in fear and anticipation of what the camera is slowly moving towards. Outside, the clouds are darkening unnaturally quickly, and woodwind clusters speed up as the camera gets closer and closer. A big orchestral statement of the Death Eater theme plays in full at the appearance of the Dark Mark in the sky above London.

The orchestration is violent and always shifting. This theme has not had as grand a statement since Goblet of Fire (2019). Motoric strings cut through at the moment the Death Eaters break into Diagon Alley. Horns and timpani accent the fear they instill even by just standing in the street. Once Ollivander is captured from his wand shop, they leave quickly, but not without causing some more senseless terror in London.

Strings pulse as the camera cuts to the Millenium Bridge. The attack on the bridge is entirely orchestral choreography to give the action more depth. Once the pedestrians are clear and the whole structure collapses, the orchestra slows on the wide shot. The sound waits to give one more flourish as the Death Eaters fly away, and the cue ends in a train station somewhere underneath London, where a boy with a scar on his forehead is reading about the attacks in the paper.