Cue No. 26

"Xenophilius Lovegood"

DH 26 - Xenophilius Lovegood.mp4

Mysterious choir, strings, and clarinets create a texture upon which the Deathly Hallows Theme plays as a horn solo. The woodwinds pick up the theme from the horn, continuing it over the conversation regarding the mysterious symbol that keeps coming up in Hermione’s research. When they decide to visit Xenophilius Lovegood, Ron agrees alarmingly fast, hoping for some sort of approval from Hermione. His theme mixed with the Hermione and Ron theme have a playful banter in a way not heard since Half-Blood Prince (2021), showing that there is still some comedy to be had in the series. 

After Hermione walks away, a transition to the rolling hills near Xenophilius’ house invites a big orchestral statement of the Deathly Hallows Theme, helping the transition from tent-oriented storytelling to the quasi-third act of this film. On the shot of the house, material from Luna’s theme dances playfully around the orchestra until the trio reaches the front door. The woodwinds are both ominous and curious at Xenophilius’ answering of the door. There stand three fugitives from whom he least expected a visit.