Cue No. 29

"The Second Memory"

Cue No. 29 - The Second Memory.mp4

Strings enter quietly under the end of a trivial scene between the teens in the hallway, and a slight Ron theme is played in the flute as Harry walks away from the situation. The scene then shifts to Dumbledore’s memory cabinet. A quick key change swirls around while the scene shifts to form the memory being viewed, alongside the Pensieve material introduced in Goblet of Fire. The texture slows down and thins out until Tom Riddle looks at the camera. The 3-note motif enters, accompanied by shivers in the strings. Voldemort 1 gets a quick statement, then dissonances move around under dialogue.

The Chamber of Secrets theme plays exceedingly low in the orchestra, choir above holding out long chords. Trumpets enter, adding to the chordal structure of the developing Chamber 2 theme. A distant choir sings the 3-note motif on the moment Tom begins talking about the very thing Dumbledore needs from this memory.

The end of the memory is tampered with, however, and dissonance crescendos into a flurry of Slughorn yelling something at Tom; the memory ends with a seething 3-note from the horn section. Choir holds over the eerie stillness in Dumbledore’s office between him and Harry. Hedwig’s theme gets a slight moment, then the Pensieve theme starts again under Dumbledore emphasizing the importance of acquiring the true memory.

The Fawkes B theme sounds in several instruments and keys as the peril of finding this memory and defeating Voldemort is making itself clear. Hedwig’s theme ends the cue, calling back through the years of Harry's journey as the Chosen One while signalling the major plot points to come.