Cue No. 9

"Luna and the Return to Hogwarts"

Cue No. 9 - Luna and the Return to Hogwarts.mp4

Percussion instruments sparkle over a low bassline during the opening shot of this scene. The distorted image of the train compartment is enhanced in a playful way, creating mystery and a little suspense before the tension is quickly lifted. Luna is revealed to be the one wandering down the hall when the compartment opens, and the music quickly shifts from ominous to playful.

Her theme gets a statement in the cellos, and a pizzicato moment accented by triangle interrupts when the invisibility cloak flies off of the petrified Harry. The whole string section joins in with nostalgia as the two friends reunite. Luna gets one more statement in the violins, then the scene changes to the gates of Hogwarts, where we hear a remnant of the trumpet trio that once played majestically over Harry’s first arrival; here it is played modally in the flutes and celesta over an open harmony, representing the understated and now routine arrival at the magical school.

Once Harry spots Draco, a small hint of the Death Eater theme creeps in among the strings. A small comedic moment then plays over the fly that goes to its doom on the protective enchantment for the Hogwarts gate, before the cue ends with bass and cello accompanying Draco and Snape walking away.