Cues No. 4 & 5

"Death Eater Attack" | "The Dark Mark"

No. 4: 0:03-1:15 No. 5: 1:30-3:33
Cues No. 4 and 5 - Death Eater Attack and The Dark Mark.mp4

A very low hint of Lucius Malfoy’s theme plays while Mr. Weasley enters the tent and expresses worry regarding what’s happening outside. As the music swells, we hear a rhythmic recollection of the Malfoy theme but still no answers as to what’s going on. Harry turns around quickly as the orchestra holds. At the reveal of the Death Eaters, there is a full statement of Lucius’ theme, now representing the entirety of Voldemort’s followers.

After the theme is stated, orchestra hits accentuate explosions and spells, making use of the octatonic peril that John Williams uses in moments like this. The music follows Harry to the ground as he is pushed over by the crowd. As the people start thinning out in numbers and Harry remains there, Hedwig’s Theme plays as he loses consciousness.


The mysterious figure roaming the burnt remains of the campground conjures a spell into the night sky. It turns into the Dark Mark, represented by Voldemort 2. The Plotting motif plays over this unknown man, then moves back into Voldemort 2 as Harry wakes up.

They briefly see each other; then the man begins quickly advancing on Harry. Here we have an indirect quote of a passage from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001), for a similar panicked moment of running, and accents in the brass and timpani make this encounter a threatening one even though this man’s intentions are unclear. We hear another Plotting theme over a shot of him. Harry, Ron, and Hermione then look upwards to the Dark Mark accompanied by Voldemort 1 as it looms over them. Suddenly, Ministry of Magic officials arrive anxious to catch whoever conjured the Mark. Mr. Weasley comes to stop them, and there is a brief use of the Weasley family theme over this before Barty Crouch Sr. arrives. Hedwig’s Theme plays as the trio have questions regarding what’s going on.

As Harry explains that he wasn’t the only one in the campground, the music picks up with a variation on Double Trouble to emphasize that something is amiss, and Harry is once again caught in the middle of it. Another ascent into the Dark Mark plays: this time, it reveals the Three-Note motif, affirming that this is the beginning of a plot by Voldemort himself. As it calms down, the trio are now in a train compartment on the Hogwarts Express, reading in the Daily Prophet regarding the mysterious events that took place at the Quidditch World Cup.