Ravendor Studios
The Potter Scoring Project

The strings comfort Harry as he reflects on what most people see as his accomplishments. The celesta notes from the mirror of Erised scene in Sorcerer’s Stone make a small appearance here...

Violins trill and move upwards as a mysterious door appears on the wall next to Neville. At the top of the line, Neville’s theme plays innocently. More trills lead into a section that is more of...

Posted November 29, 2020

Low cellos lead in the cue, and throbbing string chords play over the beginning of the trio’s conversation with Sirius. This is a direct callback to Harry’s conversation through the Floo network with his godfather in Goblet of Fire. A bass clarinet solo announces the presence of the Ministry...

The ominous low orchestra enters below Umbridge as she ascends to a higher step than McGonagall. At the beginning of the first montage in this film, a motoric pattern led by the violas...

The entire opening to this cue is made up of the string section moving from chord to chord, tied together with suspensions and two-note slurs. Trelawney is standing in the courtyard, her luggage...

A rarely heard concert version excerpt of Window to the Past is heard over Harry’s narration beginning this scene. In his letter to Sirius, we finally get to see their relationship continue after their connection as godfather and godson began two years earlier. As Harry expresses his current...

Another vision of a mysterious hallway comes to Harry in his sleep. As he edges ever closer to the mysterious door at the end, the music gains more intensity. Post-tonal and extended...

The beginning of Umbridge’s theme, the “Umbridge Turn” sounds in the harp, and then the string section takes off randomly as Harry enters the painful experience of Detention with Dolores...

On seeing Cho, Harry in Love plays for the first time in this score. The piano introduces it as a timbral reprise of the scene in which he asked her to the Yule Ball. The theme does not last long...

The violas hesitate to start Umbridge’s theme, as if they might get slapped by her if they play it wrong. The harp tries to help them along tentatively. The violins try to start the theme too with...

The Order theme plays in its nostalgic way when Harry opens the old photo. He sees the original Order of the Phoenix: many people he knows are in it, including his own parents. The Family theme plays during the long camera shot on the two of them. As...

Posted October 18, 2020

A noble chord change in the brass announces Dumbledore’s arrival at the Hearing, a warm moment quoted from the first two films. These chords continue to move around as Harry feels a moment of safety. A fragment of Fawkes the Phoenix plays as a heroic undercurrent to...

Posted October 11, 2020

Harry has another uncomfortable dream accompanied by choir with string harmonics and trills in the celesta. After the creation of an ominous bed of sound, the tone shifts abruptly as we see Mr. Weasley marveling at the escalator on his way into the London underground. During this comedic...

Playful woodwinds dialogue with each other as a lighter moment presents itself. Once Crookshanks approaches to play with the Extendable Ear that Fred and George have invented, a...

At the very start of this conversation, the bassoons ascend with a menacing new motif that supports the topic of conversation. This is the Ministry of Magic theme, exposing the underbelly...

An extended run moves from the bottom of the strings all the way to the top of the violin section with the help of the celesta, built on material from Sorcerer’s Stone that appears originally over the scene where Hermione successfully levitates a feather. Here, it’s used with the same type of...

The Family theme comforts Harry as he picks up the now broken photo of his parents. As the strings fade, a vision appears of the battle in the graveyard from the end of Goblet of Fire. The 3-note motif is surrounded in a menu of different sounds, trying to make sense of this flashback...

Posted September 13, 2020

The first two Potter scores had broad and sweeping cues, with very few that were short in length. The third score changed that approach and utilized lots of quick musical moments, with many...

A quick whimsical flourish accompanies the Ministry owl as it flies into the Dursleys’ house and physically upsets Petunia’s crown molding. Another musical gesture follows the letter as it lifts...

Celesta and violins begin this film with mysterious but familiar notes. Wand of the Phoenix plays as the Warner Brothers logo passes by the camera. At the reveal of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”, female chorus swells with the orchestra, followed by the horns in unison playing...

Order of the Phoenix Edited Trailer

Posted August 23, 2020

Here is the original trailer for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, temp scored with John Williams for some hype!

OOTP trailer final.mp4

Coming Soon...

Posted August 16, 2020

First, to all our listeners, THANK YOU for following the Goblet of Fire project! Initially, this was just a project for ourselves that we did for fun, so it was icing on the cake when we shared it and found that others are enjoying it too.

Now, with Goblet behind us, we will continue to post more that we're working on. Many small projects will be happening, but there is a big one that we're excited to announce: starting September 6th, we will begin releasing cues for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2020)!

Order of the Phoenix is being scored using digital audio workstations and orchestral sample libraries, an exciting step up in quality from the MIDI used in Goblet of Fire. We are looking forward to continuing our vision and further extending the thematic tapestry created by John Williams. We hope you will enjoy - check back on September 6 for the first cue!