Digital Composition


Brilliance 0.62

Exposure -0.10

Highlights -0.38

Shadows 0.23

Brightness -0.42

Contrast 0.26

Black Point 0.06

Selective Focus

Brilliance 0.10

Exposure -0.12

Highlights -0.47

Shadows 0.37

Brightness -0.50

Contrast 0.28

Black Point 0.13

Saturation 0.23


Brilliance 0.33

Exposure -0.07

Highlights -0.26

Shadows 0.18

Brightness -0.31

Contrast 0.20

Black Point 0.06

Angle Down

Brilliance -0.39

Exposure -0.35

Highlights 0.17

Shadows -0.27

Brightness 0.15

Contrast 0.16

Black Point 0.09

Leading Lines

Brilliance 0.14

Exposure 0.00

Highlights -0.08

Shadows 0.07

Brightness 0.09

Contrast 0.19

Black Point 0.03

Saturation -0.16

Sharp Focus

Brilliance 0.56

Exposure 0.00

Highlights -0.35

Shadows 0.19

Brightness -0.33

Contrast 0.16

Black Point 0.06

Rule of Thirds

Brilliance 0.42

Exposure -0.06

Highlights -0.21

Shadows 0.21

Brightness -0.27

Contrast 0.17

Black Point 0.6

Saturation 0.21

Angle Up

Brilliance 0.40

Exposure -0.17

Highlights -0.11

Shadows 0.13

Brightness -0.17

Contrast 0.09

Black Point 0.05

Low Horizon

Brilliance 0.50

Exposure -0.24

Highlights -0.14

Shadows -0.19

Brightness -0.18

Contrast 0.11

Black Point 0.06

Saturation 0.19

Informal Balance

Brilliance -0.40

Exposure -0.23

Highlights 0.09

Shadows -0.26

Brightness -0.16

Contrast -0.14

Black Point 0.16

Far Distance

Brilliance 0.68

Exposure -0.13

Highlights -0.54

Shadows 0.39

Brightness -0.56

Contrast 0.35

Black Point 0.06

Saturation 0.17

Close Distance

Brilliance -0.61

Exposure -0.28

Highlights 0.36

Shadows -0.23

Brightness -0.13

Contrast 0.16

Black Point -0.10

Formal Balance

Brilliance 0.42

Exposure 0.14

Highlights 0.24

Shadows 0.09

Brightness -0.17

Contrast -0.16

Black Point 0.21

High Horizon

Brilliance -0.16

Exposure 0.07

Highlights 0.07

Shadows 0.11

Brightness -0.17

Contrast 0.16

Black Point 0.20

High Key Lighting

Brilliance 1.35

Exposure -0.07

Highlights -0.08

Shadows 0.36

Brightness 0.47

Contrast 0.26

Black Point 0.68

Low Key Lighting

Brilliance -0.52

Exposure -0.31

Shadows 0.19

Brightness 0.20

Contrast 0.12

Soft Focus

Brilliance 0.33

Exposure -0.07

Highlights -0.23

Shadows 0.22

Brightness -0.29

Contrast 0.18

Black Point 0.13


Brilliance 0.35

Exposure -0.03

Highlights -0.11

Shadows 0.11

Brightness -0.15

Contrast 0.09

Black Point 0.05

Saturation 0.23

Contrast 0.16

Cast 0.15

The idea of this project was to practice taking and seeing the compositional rules and techniques of photography. Over break the task was to to take a photo that resembled each different techniques, once we had the photos we had to edit them. One of my favorite images that I took and edited was my far distance, I really liked the way lines also played a role in how the image played out and the bright colors that came with the early mornings. I changed this image by adjusting mainly the brilliance and highlights to help capture the colors and the shapes. Overall I really liked how this project turned out, it was interesting to try and find pictures that resembled the different techniques. If I were to do this project again I would go to more interesting places to take pictures, I ended up with having a lot of the same looking photos because I didn't plan well and was stuck in one place.