Ceramics 1

This year in ceramics was definitely an interesting class, overall I had a really fun time but wish that more of it had to do with working with clay. The time in class was definitely my favorite, I really enjoyed working with the clay and experimenting. As things moved into the online part of the class because we were unable to attend school the idea of ceramics kinda faded away because we were unable to work with the clay itself. Looking back I would have definitely rather been in class working with clay but the projects were very thoughtful and interesting. I think that my experience in ceramics 1 was successful, I thought that I learned a lot not just with working with the clay but also with slowing down and making a plan for my art. This is something that as an artist I have always struggled with but because we had to just work on designs instead of actually making things it made me slow down and think about why I wanted to do the things that I wanted to do and work more on the design to start with rather just going for it and thinking about how it's going to work after.

I think the hardest part of this class for me was not actually being in class to work on this. It was hard to keep my motivation high and thinking of projects that I could do when all I wanted to do was actually work with the clay. I overcame this by thinking about this part of the class as a starting point, making designs so that next time I can just start right in with the clay and take the ideas that I have created now and turn them into something actually made out of clay.

My favorite project this year was the 5 pinch pots project, where we created something by using five pinch pots put together. I created a dog. I really liked this project because it was taking what we had learned from the pinch pot project and turning it into something other than a pot. I really liked sculpting problem solving except for this, I liked figuring out why the dog didn't look right and then where I could take away clay or add clay to it so that it would look more like a dog.

I think my least favorite project was the movement in 3D art project. I didn't like this project because it took so long to come up with an idea and I just never really loved anything about it. Looking back I think that I should have tried to work with different materials or just come up with a different idea. I didn't really like this project because I never really felt inspired, yea the person was cool and I liked their work but I never really saw one of their pieces and was like wow I really love that, I think this is why I struggled with this project so much.