Sustained Investigation

How Can I use texture and color to show animals?

Sustained Investigation #1



For this project we had to create a piece of art work that goes along with our questions which is I chose to draw a chicken as my center focus I wanted to do a chicken because I was thinking of ways that I could use line and to show animals. So I thought the feathers would be a cool way to use lines the show the movement of the feather. Then for the head and the eye I thought stippling would be a cool way to head of the chicken. I wanted to show a different aspects of the chicken which is why I chose to add the chicken feet. I also added the feet because I felt that the chickens head was to much in the center and there was nothing really else going on in the image. Then once I knew what I wanted to draw I began to think about colors and materials that I wanted to use. I thought that water color would be cool to use water color to help get flowing colors that can also be strong and bold.

I started this project by using a 2b pencil to outline the chicken, once I had the outline done I went in with a fine point pen and began stippling, starting with the beak of the chicken and moving down into the boarder of the image. Once I had the chicken done I felt like I needed something else so I began to draw chicken feet. Once I had the chicken head and feet done I began to add some more texture into the rest of the image to add some texture. Once I had everything drawn out I began to add some color. I wanted to use water color because I wanted to have light color in the back ground but also be able to have richer colors in places. I started with adding color to the chickens feet then moved the the chicken.

I enjoyed this project because I pretty much had freedom to do what ever I wanted to draw. We were able to choose the question we wanted to work with and the things we wanted to draw with that question in mind. Overall I thought that my project came out decant, if I were to do this again I think that I would focus less on each part of the image and more on the overall look. For example, I would focus on what was going on in the background and incorporate that more into the image.

Sustained Investigation #2

Happy Dog


This project is the second piece in the Sustained Investigation that we have been working on. My question was how can I 'how can I use color and texture to show animals?' So for my second project I wanted to draw a dog. Coming up with idea for this was challenging because I am away and have limited resources and materials to use. But I got my inspiration for this project from one of the barn dogs running around. I realized I wanted to do the face of a happy dog rolling around on the ground and use color to help show the mood of the dog.

When beginning this image I started by drawing out a dog in a normal hb pencil because that is all I had around. Once I had the dog laid out I began to think of ways that I could add color and texture with the very few materials that I had. So for this project I chose to use normal colored pens that I had laying around to take notes with. I wanted to use bright colors to help show the mood of the happy little dog, I chose to make the marks fast and sketchy to try and show the energy of the dog. By using these types of lines I was able to show the mood with not only the color but also the way the image was drawn. Once that was finished I needed to figure out something to go in the background. I figured I would play a little bit more with color and also pull in some pattern, so I began by just adding a striped pattern alternating purple and green. Then I wanted to play a little with line thickness so I went in and added some thicker parts to the lines to make the background be more affective with tying the whole image together.

Over all I really enjoyed this project I did have limited resources so that was some what frustrating but I like what I came up with. I liked this project because I was able to draw what I wanted in the lines of my question. I felt that in this project I was able to use what small materials that I had and still create something that I liked. If I were to do this again I would want to keep the same idea but work with more materials that way to better create the image and make it even better and high quality.

Sustained Investigation #3



For the third project in this I wanted to do something that had to do with the ocean because in Florida the ocean is really pretty. So I decided to do a jellyfish because we went to the beach and my friend got stung by a jellyfish. This inspired me to do a jelly fish I also liked the way the water looked with flowing of tentacles. For this project I also had limited resources so I had to work with what I had. That is another reason I chose to do a jellyfish because the colors worked.

I began this project by by drawing out a border I chose to do this on this size paper because this is the only paper that I had. once I had the border done I began to draw out the jelly fish with a hb pencil. Then I began to add the color, I chose these colors because I felt that the color worked well with the idea. I chose to do the sketchy looking marks because I wanted to use the texture and marks I was making to help show the movement of the jellyfish. Once I had the jellyfish draw out I began to think about the background and what I wanted to do. I decided to use the same background as my other dog image but also ad some blue dots to act as bubbles to help show the waves that are in the ocean.

This project is my least favorite of the three because i had really limited reassures so i wasn’t able to do what I wanted, this made me frustrated. If I were to do this project again I would do this project in paint, I feel like painting it would be so much cooler because It would add depth to the image and have a high quality of image. If I were to do this again I would want to keep the same idea but work with more materials that way to better create the image and make it even better and high quality.

This image is just something I did while I was in Florida and I thought it was cool so I added it. I felt like this image went along with my question really well. I started just this project randomly with pencil then went in with pens to add some color and texture.