Circle Project



For this project we were given total freedom on what we could draw as long the main subject had to do with circles, so I started this project hole punching circles and glueing the down to a paper. I wanted to make an animal using only hole punched pieces of magazine. I decided to make a lion I choose the 18 by 24 paper and began to make the face of the lion. I ran into a few problems with this, the largest one was the fact that it took forever. The first 2 hours of the project and I had only finished up the nose. Another problem I ran into was finding the colors I wanted. Originally I wanted to make the lion colorful and bright but I couldn't find enough of the colors that I wanted. After about 6 hours of hole punching and glueing I had the base of the face done, it was at this point that I decided I didn't want to do it anymore. So I began to paint circles with acrylic paint and then laid the lion over it. I wanted to create like a lion in bubbles. This part soon got frustrating because instead of changing the paper size when I changed the lion idea I kept the same 18 by 24 paper. So I added some last finishing touches and called it good. because this project was frustrating and I didn't like the outcome I decided to do something else.

For my second project I wanted to do another animal, so I decided for a second circle project I would draw a giraffe with only circles and the circles would help show shading and value. The smaller circles would be where the image was darker and the larger circles would be the places that are flatter and don't have as much going on. I began to do this with just adding circles with a fine point pen, I started with the giraffe and then moved on to the tree branches. I liked the way that the pen looked when the dots got really small so I focused on the small branches of the tree.

This project was not my favorite. I felt that we had to much time on it which made me not hunker down and finish the first one I started but to try a bunch of ideas and bounce around ideas. Another reason that I wasn't a fan of this project was because I just didn't like how either of them turned out, I found this frustrating because I had put so much time in to working on them and ended up hating them. If I were to do this project again I would limit my self on the amount of time I spend on it and make sure that enjoyed the outcome.

Lion in the Clouds
