Sustained Investigation #10




For this project I wanted to create something with a more creative material, In the past I have followed my question but in a pretty basic way so for this project I wanted to do something different. Originally when I began this project I wanted to draw it in a way that almost looked like a color by number, this is where my inspiration came from but as I worked through this image I didnt really like the look of it, it looked to much like a little kids coloring book image and not in a good way. So I started to think of other ways to create my idea. I felt like I had a good idea in my head but wasnt sure how I wanted execute it. I found this super frustrating I made around 10 different ideas and ended up trashing all of them and when I was ripping them up I got the idea of doing a collage.

I began my drawing out my image on a piece of paper, then I began by going through a magazine and cutting up colors that were around the same color. After I began to just lay out pieces just to give everything a background to work with. Once this was done I moved onto adding details I began to add other colors like blues and yellows to add some highlights. Once this was done I began to cut out some specific shapes that would fit the image. lastly I wanted to make the background the same way, I wanted it to almost seem like the horse was part of the background and it was just a happening to all fit together and the pieces all came together.

Overall I started off hating this project but as I worked through it I actually like the end result, I think it was a creative way to show my question. In the beginning I was feeling super uninspired which has been my problem all year but I think that I worked through this and created something that isnt horrid, Im looking forward to getting more inspired and to creating something that I can be proud of. This project reminded me of a 3D project I did freshmen year which was probably one of my favorite projects I have ever done, so I was hoping to gain some inspiration by doing this project.