Candy Still Life

For this set of projects the focus was on drawing from real life, working with shading and shadows. We started off by creating four spheres and shading them. For each sphere we had to use a different material (ink, charcoal, pencil, and watercolor).

For this part of the project we learned how to use these different materials to create shadows and bright spots. Then with using what we had learned from the sphere drawing we had to draw a still life of candy. When doing this we started by choosing candy and setting it up in a way that was interesting then we began to draw. After having an outline completed I went in with colored pencil, adding color and detail.

The hardest part of creating this piece was getting it to look more like the actual thing, some techniques I used for this was setting up a grid to help make each piece fit. If I were to edit this photo I think that I would add a slight gray to the background to help make the candy look as though it is not part of the paper. Another thing I would do is to make the shadows and light spots more definitive. Overall I am happy with the result of my project.