Time Capsules

For this project we had get a baseline of our work, a starting point. So to begin we had to create a time capsule with a drawing of a corner of a room a self portrait and an object. I started with the corner of the room, this corner it the corner of room 406, it shows the hall and the class. I created this image by using a basic pencil.

For the next piece in our time capsule set we had to draw a self portrait. My self portrait looks nothing like me, I started with using pencil. First I created the head shape, then moved down starting with hair and ending with lips. This project shows the basic skills of drawing what you see. If I were to do another self portrait I would make it look more like me. Starting from the beginning I noticed that the shape of my face was off, but never bothered to change it, which then changed the final outcome of the drawing. Another thing I would have changed it made my nose bigger, in the picture it is smaller than in real life. which lead to the over all picture not looking like a self portrait.

For the last piece in the time capsule we had to draw an object. It could be any object, while sitting in study hall I decided to draw a stool. I wanted to draw this because I thought it would be challenging with all the different angles and depths. to start this piece I drew a T with the top bar of the T being the seat and he leg of the T being the center of the legs of the stool. Then I began to get an outline lightly in pencil of the stools legs. Once I had everything lightly sketched out I went back in with a darker pencil and added some shading to help with depth.