Surrealism Painting

For this project the idea was to create and interesting collage that incorporated textures and patterns that used all four edges of the paper. By using four or more images the idea was to create and interesting strong background and have the image hold an overall thoughtful meaning.

To start this project I began with creating a collage I began with the background. After creating a background I began to add the foreground I descried to use the eyes because I thought they looked cool. After, to create a more interesting image I added the eyes on stems and a flamingo.

When painting the collage I had created onto canvas I ran into a few problems, to start I couldn't figure out how to make the background look like it did in the collage so I decided to take my own artist vision on the background so it still looked cool but was different to the collage. Another problem I ran into was getting the eyes to look realist, I struggled with this until I realized that the eyes had reflections. After adding the light reflections on the eyes they looked much better.