Revision #3

Revision of #14


Watercolor, charcoal, collage

For this project I wanted to do a revision of my project #14 which was a collage that lived inside another image done in colored pencil on the outside. I really liked the idea of this project, I liked the contrast that the collage gave with the drawing on the background; But I felt like I didn't do a great job with the first image so I decided to work with this idea. Originally I wanted to paint my perviousedited photo of the horse but as i began this project I just ' feeling it, the more I worked on painting the image the more I realized that I liked it more as a photo than a piece of art. So I began to look for something else, I was drawn to #14 because I felt I could do better.

I began this project by looking at different things that I could add into my image and I found a bunch of old photos from photograph class freshman year and I loved the darker contrast that they brought to the image, then I kept looking and I found another image from freshman year that had a tree growing on top of a persons head. I liked the idea of trees so I began with a tree using charcoal and I just started drawing and plugging different pieces of old photos that I had taken. After this I began to add some other flowers and colors in because I felt that it needed a little bit more. Once this was all laid out I covered the whole image with a glossy acrylic paint to hold everything together.

I really like how random this image is, I thought that the way the images looked almost like a mirror add a super cool concept to the image overall. I don't think its the strongest piece I have ever done but I had fun doing it. Looking back I wish I had added something to the background before I began because I found it hard to squeeze something after everything. During this project I also worked a lot on image editing which is something that I really enjoy, I really liked exploring the different ways of taking images and how I can set up the image to highlight specific parts and then how I can edit the images later to further highlight everything.