
"A princess sitting in a apple tree playing a banjo"

30cm X 22.5

For the whatchamaDRAWit project we were given a card, on that card there was a scene written down. and as the artist our goal was to take that scene and draw it. Because I wasn't in class with the class when the cards were being handed out i had to improvise. So I looked up the whatchamaDRAWit cards and the first one that popped up I had to work with. The first card to pop up was "Draw a princess sitting in an apple tree playing a banjo" so thats what I did. I began with drawing the tree because I felt that the tree was the main part of the piece, and what the princess would be sitting on. Then I started added branches and the princess. I started off this piece using a 2H pencil because I like the way that the 2H pencils flow across the paper.

Once I had the outline of the tree and the princess, I began to cover the image over with a fine point pen, adding more detail to the random blobs on the page. Again I started with the tree from the roots up. I like using the fine point pens because they make sharp lines but they don't have to be totally connected to create a line. I like the way that the lines look on the page. Once I had the tree done I moved on to the princess. I had to look up what a banjo looked like but other than that I just let the pen draw everything out. Once I finished the tree, the princess, and the banjo I went on to add a background of hills and a few apples in the foreground with tree roots. Once everything on the card was done I wanted to add some color, I began by using water colors to add color and help create more of a texture. One thing that I really enjoy when using fine point pens and water color is the way that the two fit together and use the white space to enhance the picture rather than make it look unfinished.

Overall I really enjoyed this project. I like the whatchamaDRAWit cards because they supply the content of the picture and help get ideas going, but the rest it totally up to the artist. I also enjoyed the freedom that this project allows because theres really no criteria other than creating whats on the card.