Class Collaboration

For this project in class we got a small piece of a larger photo. We had to then blow up and duplicate the small photo into a larger space. The idea of this project was to practice enlarging an image and getting it to look the same; matching the marks on a larger scale. We were able to use any materials that we wished to complete this project. I used a normal HB pencil to complete this project.

For this I started by going around the edges and creating the basic outlines of the image so I could go back in and add more detail without having to worry about the basic shapes. I used a normal pencil to fill in the darker spaces while leaving the lighter space blank. Some issues that I ran into was that I couldn't get the pencil marks to look as though they weren't pencil marks, they looked choppy and un even. Another thing that as an issue was I went in with the HB pencil harder around edges of the white spaces that I couldn't get to go way.

If I was to re-create this image I would start with a lighter pencil to go around the lighter places so the image wont look so chopped up. Another thing I would do is to try using another material because the pencil made it hard to have a clean looking image. When this project is completed and with the rest of the small duplicated pieces it will create a larger picture.