Blind Contour

This piece of artwork was created by blind contour, we started out with drawing our hand without looking at the paper. Then we had to draw a self portrait also not looking at the paper and lastly we had to draw a friends face. The whole point of this project was to look at the lines as they were on the object not as they are on the paper. So by not looking at the lines you were drawing but looking at the object you create an almost abstract picture.

After I had draw the hand and faces (which don't look like hands or faces but that is the point) we had to add color to create a complete piece of art. I started with just adding random colors everywhere because I didn't really see what I had created as more than just a bunch of lines. After adding some color I decided on making some random patterns and adding more colors. I used watercolors to get the colors and a very fine bristle brush to get the lines and patterns, anther techniques I used was getting the paper wet and letting the paint run. This is how I got the lines along the top. In the end I liked this project because it was something different that I had never tried before. I also liked it because I got to use water color again.