Revision #2

For this project we were assigned to look at an old work of art and work to recreate it, as I was looking through my art there wasn't one image that really spoke to me so I looked back into my other years and a few things stuck out to me; one I loved working digitally with photos and two, I really enjoyed the project that we did in foundations where we created a collage and then painted it. So for this project I decided to combine to two projects into one. I took the idea from my photo editing class and edited a picture and changed the composition and background as the starting point for my project, and for the final project I am going to paint with acrylic my edited image.

I began this project by looking for images, I ran into a few problems here because most of the images that I had where taken on my iphone 7 which has a pretty bad camera, this lead to problems down the road with editing because of the lack of quality in the image. But I started by picking an image then I uploaded it to the adobe photo elements 8. Then I began to edit out the background and crop the image to get rid of the legs. As I kept working I tried to edit out the reins on his neck but I ran into the problem of trying to make the colors I was covering over match the colors of his skin, I tried multiple ways to try and make things fit but as I kept editing the colors of the images I realized that the reins seemed to fade away anyway so I decided just to leave it. I worked on editing over the parts of the bits to make it look like there wasn't reins there, and then to fade into the background to make the black of the background mix in with the image it self to make the image make more natural. Once I was done with the image I began to plan out my image that I am going to paint.

Overall I really liked this project, I thought it was super fun and I enjoyed playing around the digital side of art and editing images. I really liked this project because i've always loved editing images so it was nice to sit down and spend some time working on. I think that the revision part of this work was a little flakey but I think the idea connects to the other images, i'm exciting to get to paint this image.