Digital nerve block

Digital nerve block


Block of Volar and Dorsal Digital Nerves at the Base of the Finger

A 25-gauge 1½" needle is inserted at a point on the dorsolateral aspect of the base of the finger and a small skin wheel is raised.

The needle is then directed anteriorly toward the base of the phalanx.

The needle is advanced until the it contacts the phalanx, while the anesthesiologist observes for any protrusion from the palmar dermis directly opposite the needle path.

One mL of solution is injected as the needle is withdrawn 1 to 2 mm from the bone contact. An additional 1 mL is injected continuously as the needle is withdrawn back to the skin.

The same procedure is repeated on each side of the base of the finger to achieve anesthesia of the entire finger.

Technique and illastration

Step of digital block

Update in anaesthesia: Practical procedure

Family practise notebook: Digital Nerve Block, Digital Ring Block

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Digital block : Image from McGraw-Hill