9. Delivery of written translation

According to our statistics majority of our clients as many as 85% while choosing the way they would like to get finished written translation, ask to send it by email. This is the easiest and very comfortable way. But there are cases when it is more important to get your text already printed personally.

It is not necessary to drive to our office! You can deliver everything, including documents, and get your finished written translation from any Ukrainian city by courier service. All we need to send you the translation is full name of recipient, contact phone number, city and delivery address (or number of a courier storage).

What if it is needed to deliver a translation into another country? In this case you cannot send us, for example, your passport for translation, only a copy, because it is officially prohibited. To deliver the translation to you by courier service or by post we will need the same information as we need while delivering in Ukraine, just add a post code and write all the data in Latin letters.

In any case, before the delivery of written translation or documents contact our managers and agree on terms and choice of a certain postal express or a courier company. Otherwise, we cannot perform our obligations, to perform them we need to give them.


  1. Our company is not responsible for courier service’s work and performance of obligations.

  2. We do not advertise the service of certain courier companies.

  3. We do not make money on delivering your translations and documents! You contact a manager from a courier company by yourself and clarify the delivery cost.

  4. Delivery of written translation and documents takes place only after full payment of the client’s bill.

Translation agency Minfociv, we accept orders online by e-mail minfociv@gmail.com, in all cities of Ukraine