Mascarpone & Ginger Cheesecake

By Books for Cooks (Issue 1) taken from Patricia Lousada’s ‘Flavours of the Sun’

Prep time 20 mins

Cooking time 30 mins (& allow for cooling)

Serves 8


For the filling

    • 480g /1lb full fat cream cheese
    • 240g/8oz mascarpone cheese
    • 180g/6oz caster sugar
    • 2 free-range eggs
    • 8 pieces of stem ginger chopped

For the base

    • 240g/8oz ginger nut biscuits
    • 120g/40z unsalted butter


    1. Pre-heat the oven on a low heat 150C/300F/Gas2
    2. Place a dish of hot water on the bottom rack of the oven (to create a moist atmosphere & avoid the cake from cracking)
    3. Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin or in a blender, melt the butter & mix together.
    4. Press the biscuit mixture into the bottom of a 24cm/9” round non-stick cake tin with a removable base, & put to one side.
    5. Mix together the cream cheese & mascarpone until smooth.
    6. Stir in sugar & eggs, one at a time.
    7. Mix in the ginger well.
    8. Spread the mixture evenly over the biscuits & bake for 30 mins until just set.
    9. Turn the oven off & leave cheesecake to cool completely inside the oven.
    10. Once cooled put in the fridge for at least 2hrs or overnight.
    11. Before un-moulding run a warm knife around the cheesecake to loosen the sides. This is best done when cold.
    12. Leave at room temp for 30-40 mins before serving.

If you fancy, decorate prettily with rounds of stem ginger.