Chicken and Broccoli Gratin

    • 6 Chicken Breasts (Don't cut them up yet!!)
    • 1 Spanish Onion chopped
    • 2 Carrots peeled and chopped
    • 2 Celery stickes chopped
    • A few sprigs of parsley
    • 1 bay leaf
    • A few black pepper corns
    • Half pint cream
    • 4 oz roux (Total weight) so 2oz butter and 2 oz flour
    • 1 large head of broccoli divided into florets
    • half oz butter (double it)
    • 2oz strong cheese
    • 4oz bread crumbs
    1. Place the chicken, onions, carrots, celery, parsley, bay leaf, pepper corns into saucepan.
    2. Cover with water.
    3. Simmer for 20 mins until the chicken is cooked
    4. Leave the chicken to cool then dice
    5. Strain the cooking liquid into a saucepan.
    6. Discard the stuff you strained off. All the flavour is in the water.
    7. Reduce the water to about 1 pint
    8. Add the cream then whisk in the roux to make a thick sauce.
    9. Blanch the broccoli until tender
    10. Place the chicken and broccoli into a oven proof dish
    11. Cover with the source, stir a bit to mix it up!!
    12. Melt the butter and mix with the cheese and breadcrumbs spread over the top
    13. Cook in oven at 180C for 20 mins