Corn Quiche


    • 6oz plain flour

    • pinch salt

    • 3 oz fat

    • 2 tbl spn water


    • Small can corn

    • 2 eggs

    • 1/2 pint milk

    • 4-6 oz cheese


    • Parsley

    • Tomato

    1. Sieve the flour and salt, rub in the fat and bind with water

    2. Roll out and line an 8inch flan ring - for individual quiches put pastry in muffin tin, makes 12. Make pastry circles nice and big to come up as high as possible

    3. Drain the corn and mix with well beaten eggs, add the milk cheese and seasoning

    4. Pour into pastry

    5. For a single quiche, bake for 15 mins at 220-230C (200-210C fan), 425-450F, Gas Mark 7, oven position centre then reduce to 190C (170C fan), 375F, Gas Mark 4-5 for further 30mins

    6. For individual quiches bake for no longer than 10 mins on high (see above) and no more than 20 mins on low (see above).

    7. Garnish with parsley and slices of tomato


    • Use chopped fried bacon

    • or mushrooms

    • or shell fish in place of corn