Tandoori yoghurt marinade


    • 2 large tubs of plain greek yoghurt
    • 6 cloves of garlic
    • 3 pieces of ginger - thumb sized
    • 1 onion
    • 8 green/red chillies (you can use more, of course!!!)
    • 2 tbls lime juice
    • 1 - 2 teaspoons of chilli powder
    • 3 heaped dessert spoonfulls of salt
    • 2 heaped dessert spoonfulls of garam masala
    • bunch of chopped corriander leaves


Chop up garlic, ginger, onion and chillies roughly. Bung half of one of yoghurt tub into a liquidiser along with the lime juice and add the chopped up garlic, ginger, onion and chillies.

Zap until pureed, add salt, chilli powder and garam masala and slowly add rest of yoghurt, zapping until fully mixed.

Pour marinade into a large bowl, chop up corriander and add and mix

It's ready to take anything from chicken, lamb etc to big prawns.... you can marinade quite a bit of meat/fish with this amount as you saw - just make sure that all the pieces are covered by the marinade - put in fridge overnight or for atleast 2 - 3 hrs before using...