
To make 1/2 kilo of pasta:

350g Durham/Bread flour

2 large whole eggs

To prepare the mixture place the flour on a work surface, making a hole in the centre.

Beat the eggs with a fork and then slowly add the flour, from the sides.

Gently mixing together until the mixture achieves an even consistency.

Move the mixture to a surface dusted with flour and start kneading it with the palm of your hand.


If the pasta is too dry or crumbly, spray with a small amount of lukewarm water.

When the correct texture is achieved, form a ball and leave to rest for 10 minutes in a bowl, covered to prevent it drying.

Preparing coloured pasta:

Pasta can be made in various different colours using ingredients, the two most popular are:

Green - made with spinach;

proportion 500g flour to 250g spinach.

Boil the spinach and when cooked, squeeze all the water out then blend into a puree and blend with the pasta mixture.

Red - made with tomato;

proportion one tablespoon of tomato for every 250g of flour.

Heat the tomato puree in a saucepan, savouring to taste and blen with the pasta mixture.