Welsh Cakes

  • 7oz plain flour (or SR and skip the baking powder)
  • 1oz corn flour
  • 2 level teaspoons baking powder
  • Pinch salt
  • 1/2 level teaspoons mixed spice
  • 3oz butter
  • 3oz sugar
  • 2oz currents
  • 1 egg
  • Milk to mix
  1. Sift flour, corn flour baking powder salt and spice together into a bowl
  2. Rub in butter lightly
  3. Add sugar and currents
  4. Mix with Beaten egg and sufficient milk to make a stiff dough
  5. Rollout to 1/4 inch thick on floured board (try thinner)
  6. Cut into rounds
  7. Cook on a well greased hot griddle or a good strong frying pan for about 10 mins
  8. Turn once until golden brown on both sides
  9. Serve hot and buttered

Makes 16