Banana and Toffee Pudding

Try this delicious Banana and Toffee Pudding as a treat after tea. Recipe devised by Kate Morris and Sally Brown.

This should take about 45 mins

  • vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp toffee sauce
  • 1 banana
  • 70g self raising flour
  • 70g soft butter
  • 70g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • ½ tsp mixed spice
  1. Start by brushing the sides of an oven proof dish with oil, then put the dish on a baking tray. Now measure the toffee sauce into the bottom of the dish.
  2. Peel the banana and cut it up into slices. Lay these slices on top of the toffee sauce but keep one back for the top of the pudding!
  3. Break an egg into a cup. Whisk with a fork.
  4. Into a mixing bowl put the flour, butter, sugar and then add the mixed egg. Beat all these together with a wooden spoon until smooth. Add the mixed spice and beat again. Put the mixture on top of the banana and toffee, using a spatula to help you get it all out of the bowl and then smooth the mixture evenly in the oven proof dish.
  5. Place the last slice of banana onto the top.
  6. You will need to ask a grown up to help with this part. Place in a pre-heated oven to 160°C fan/180°C/Gas 4 for 25-30 minute or until risen and golden.
  7. Try serving ¼ per person with custard.