Courgette Soup

I sweat chopped onions and some celery (if you have any) in some oil (or chicken fat, butter, marge or whatever).

Don't brown the veg, just gently soften them.

Add sliced courgette ( halve slices if they are big courgettes) and continue to gently fry for a couple of minutes., stirring so nothing sticks to pan.

Add chicken stock ( I usually have some in the freezer but I also add chicken bouillon or stock tablets and water as needed)- enough to cover the veg but not to swamp them.

I also add black pepper, mixed herbs and/or origami, seasoning, a shake or two of Worcestershire sauce and whatever takes your fancy. (You could put garlic in if you like it but this probably needs a bit of cooking with the onions and celery)). Then let it simmer till veg are cooked, whiz, check seasoning and serve hot with a swirl of cream if liked.