Mild Paneer Curry

  • 15g fresh root ginger

  • 30g sultanas

  • 1 tbsp garam masala

  • 80g Cornish clotted cream †

  • 32g tomato paste

  • 130g basmati rice

  • 1 brown onion

  • 1 cup red lentils

  • half cup oat bran

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 tsp ground turmeric

  • 11g vegetable stock mix

  • 200g paneer cheese

  • 2 tomatoes

  1. Melt a knob of butter to a pot with a lid over a medium heat
    Add the basmati rice with a pinch of ground turmeric (save the rest for later!)
    Cook for 30 secs or until the grains are coated in the spices

  2. Add 300ml [600ml] cold water and the sultanas and bring to the boil
    Reduce the heat to very low and cook, covered, for 10-15 min or until all the water has absorbed and the rice is cooked

  3. Meanwhile, boil half a kettle

  4. Peel and finely chop the brown onion[s]
    Fry onions with a pinch of salt and cook for 3-4 min or until beginning to soften

  5. While the onions are cooking, cut the paneer into large, bite-sized pieces
    Peel and finely chop (or grate) the garlic
    Peel (scrape the skin off with a teaspoon) and finely chop (or grate) the ginger
    Chop the tomatoes roughly

  6. Once the onion is beginning to soften, add the chopped paneer and cook for 1-2 min

  7. Add the chopped garlic, chopped ginger, chopped tomatoes, remaining ground turmeric, tomato paste and garam masala to the pan and cook for 1 min or until fragrant

  8. Stir in the vegetable stock mix, then add 250ml [450ml] boiled water and 1 tsp [2 tsp] sugar and bring to the boil over a high heat
    Once boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for 5-6 min further or until the sauce has thickened slightly

  9. Once thickened, remove the pan from the heat and stir through the clotted cream