Quince jelly

This is very easy to make. If you haven’t a jelly bag, line a colander with a large piece of muslin standing over a bowl to catch the juice. Serve the jelly with lamb and game dishes or just with toast and butter.

Quince Cydonia japonica belong to the same family as apples and pears (Rosaceae), the shape resembling either one. Quinces are hard and cannot be eaten raw but they have a wonderful, fragrant flavour when cooked.

The seeds contain a high proportion of pectin so quinces make excellent jellies as do the ornamental fruit of Chaenomeles. To me the smaller fruits of Chaenomeles are often more likely to be in the garden waiting to be put to some use in the kitchen. Wedges of peeled quince give depth of flavour to an apple pie or crumble.

  • 1/2 kg (1lb) sugar
  • 1/2 litre (1 pint) quince liquid pulp
  1. Wipe the fruit, cut it up roughly but do not core or peel.
  2. Put the chopped fruit in a pan, barely cover with water and simmer until soft and pulpy.
  3. Strain through a jelly bag overnight.
  4. Measure the liquid, for every pint add 500g (1lb) granulated or caster sugar.
  5. Add the sugar to the pan with the strained liquid and over a gently heat, stir until the sugar is dissolved. Once dissolved boil for 10 minutes. Test for setting by spooning a little on a plate, cool for a few minutes push your finger through the jelly and if it wrinkles it is ready for setting. The colour should be a glorious pink.
  6. Pour into sterilized jar, seal and label.