Eve's Pudding 2

    • 6 large Bramley apples , finely sliced
    • 200g unsalted butter
    • 140g raisins
    • 100g soft brown sugar
    • 4 eggs
    • 200g self-raising flour
    1. Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.
    2. Peel, core and slice the apples.
    3. Grease a large serving dish, about 2.5 litre/3 litre with 25g/1oz of the butter and tip in the apple.
    4. Scatter the raisins over the top.
    5. In a separate dish beat the remaining butter and sugar together for 10 mins until the butter turns pale and the sugar starts to dissolve.
    6. Beat in the eggs,
    7. Then carefully fold in the flour with a large spoon.
    8. Spread the batter over the apples, then bake for 45 mins until golden.
    9. Serve with the custard, below.

Thick custard

Place 250ml full-fat milk, 250ml double cream and 2 vanilla pods, split lengthways, in a pan over a gentle heat for 10 mins to infuse. In a big bowl, whisk together 8 egg yolks, 100g light brown sugar and 1 tbsp cornflour, mixed with a little water. Pour over the hot milk mix, stirring all the time, then tip everything back into the pan. Cook over a low heat for 10 mins, constantly stirring, until thickened. Sieve before serving.

From http://www.bbcgoodfood.com