
My French recipe for the CREPES is: (for 8 crepes) not usually enough so I always double the quantities.

    • 250g plain flour: you need to make a hole in the middle of the flour to put:
    • 2 eggs:
    • 1 table spoon of oil
    • some sugar (it's up to you how much! maybe 3 table spoon if you like it sweet!) My recipe says salt but I prefer sugar!
    • a little bit of milk (in total it is half a litre)
    1. whisk everything with a spoon
    2. add a small amount of milk
    3. whisk again
    4. same again until you finish the milk
    5. once done you can add some, rhum, eau de vie, kirsch, lemon... when you tried mine I did not add anything.
    6. you have to leave it rest for an hour.
    7. then it is ready you can make them! I normally add a little bit of milk, not much, so the crepes are thinner! (depends how you the first one is)

Hope this can help.