Walnut & Dark Ale Bread

    1. Put the ingredients into the bread maker baking pan in the order specified for your particular model (see manufacturer’s handbook).
    2. Set to the basic white program. Add the walnuts at the time for added ingredients as directed by the manufacturer of your machine.
    3. Note: to make this recipe in the shape featured in the picture, use 1x7g sachet/2½ tsp Allinson Easy Bake Yeast and use the dough setting (reserve some walnuts for decoration).
    4. Remove the dough from machine and knead until smooth. Shape the dough into a circle.
    5. Place onto a greased baking sheet and leave to prove until double in size.
    6. Cut a deep cross into the top of the loaf and decorate with walnuts.
    7. Bake at 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark 5 for 30 minutes.