Cheese and Vegetable Pasties

Cook these savoury pasties for your lunch.Recipe devised by Kate Morris and Sally Brown.

This should take about 30 mins

  • 187g of puff pastry (Half of a 375g pack - if you buy fresh ready-made puff pastry, you can freeze any leftover for next time.)
  • 30g grated cheddar
  • 4 spinach leaves
  • 1 pinch of ground nutmeg
  • 2 rounded teaspoons ratatouille (we used tinned)
  • Small bowl of water
  1. Weigh and measure all the ingredients. There should be enough for two pasties using the quantities shown.
  2. Sprinkle the work mat, with flour and roll out the puff pastry. Use the cutter to cut four circles into the pastry.
  3. Place two of the pastry circles onto baking paper on a baking tray. Tear the spinach up into the bowl and add most of the cheese, a pinch of nutmeg and the ratatouille and mix it all together.
  4. Prick all the pastry circles with a fork. Spoon on the mixture in the centre of two of the pastry circles on the baking tray.
  5. Use a pastry brush to brush water around the edges of the filled pastry circles like an island, and stick the remaining two pastry circles onto the top of each. Sprinkle water on top and add the remaining grated cheese.
  6. You will need to ask a grown-up for help with this part. Place in a pre-heated oven at 200ºC fan/ 220ºC/Gas 7 for around 15 minutes, or until puffed up and golden.
  7. When the Cheese and Vegetable pasties have cooled down a little, you can eat them!
  8. Serving suggestion: serve one each with some fresh tomatoes. This dish can be frozen for up to one month.