
  • 1/2 lb plain flour
  • 3 table spoons sugar
  • 1 level teaspoons cream of tartar little less if bicarb (or baking powder)
  • 1 egg
  • 1.5 oz Marg or butter
  • Milk 210ml

Cook on greased griddle

  • In a medium sized bowl whisk together the egg, milk, sugar and salt.
  • In a large bowl sift the flour and baking powder. Melt the butter. Pour the egg mixture and butter into the flour and stir quickly until the dry ingredients are moist but still slightly lumpy. Take care not to overmix the batter.
  • Heat a greased griddle or heavy bottomed frying pan. It is important that you have lots of space in the pan as you may need to move the pikelets about while you're cooking them to stop them burning.
  • Drop dessert spoons of mixture from the tip of the spoon onto the pan. Cook over a medium heat - too little heat gives heavy and pale pikelets, too much heat is likely to burn. Turn the pikelets as soon as bubbles appear. The pikelets should be nicely golden on both sides.