Uke 14 - Samfunn på sotteseng

I vår "sivilisasjon" (dvs. kapitalismen) blir folk overfeite av søppelmat som er produsert for å skape  avhengighet og overspising, dvs. maksimal profitt.

KJemikalieprodusentene (dvs. medisinmafiaen) står klare til å høste superprofitt av å selge slanke"medisin" til desperate overvektige…

Overvekt er ikke en sykdom eller årsak til sykdom, men et symptom på sittesyke i et sykt samfunn, og er et utslag av Vestens Tragedie…‽

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If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.

Hippocrates (460-370BC)

"Walking is a man's best medicine."

Hippocrates (460-370BC)

"Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means."

Maimonides (1135-1204)

The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)

"All long-living people, regardless of their race, sex or nationality, have one thing in common – they are not overweight."

Shigeaki Hinohara (1911-2017)

Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn't organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.

Ivan Illich (1926-2002)

Obesity is a double victory for consumerism. Instead of eating little, which will lead to economic contraction, people eat too much and then buy diet products - contributing to economic growth twice over.

Yuval Noah Harari

Everyone knows they should exercise, but few things are more irritating than being told to exercise, how much, and in what way. Exhorting us to 'Just Do It' is about as helpful as telling a drug addict to 'Just Say No'.

Daniel Lieberman

In short, the invention of agriculture caused the human food supply to increase in quantity and deteriorate in quality, but food industrialization multiplied this effect.

—Daniel Lieberman

An evolutionary perspective predicts that most diets and fitness programs will fail, as they do, because we still don’t know how to counter once-adaptive primal instincts to eat donuts and take the elevator.

—Daniel Lieberman

There is nearly universal consensus that we should prohibit selling and serving alcohol to minors because wine, beer, and spirits can be addictive and, when used to excess, ruinous for their health. Is excess sugar any different?

—Daniel Lieberman

1 billion people in the world are chronically hungry. 1 billion people are overweight.

Mark Bittman

And it should not come as no shock that Big Food, along with the pharmaceutical industry and its scientists for hire, has promoted confusion in the media and in the mind of the American consumer to contribute to our culture of overconsumption.

― Mark Bittman

In any case, the principles are simple: deny nothing; enjoy everything, but eat plants first and most. There's no gimmick, no dogma, no guilt, and no food police.

― Mark Bittman

"The truly healthy alternative to that chip is not a fake chip; it’s a carrot."

― Mark Bittman

"Junk food companies are acting very much like tobacco companies did 30 years ago."

― Mark Bittman

Once upon a time, drug companies promoted drugs to treat diseases. Now it is often the opposite. They promote diseases to fit their drugs.

Marcia Angell

"What’s the difference between marketing and propaganda? The truth. The food industry has propagandized the last 40 years of nutritional information. They got rich, and we got sick. Time to embrace the real science of real food."

Robert Lustig

"Sugar’s not dangerous because of its calories, or because it makes you fat. Sugar is dangerous because it’s sugar. It’s not nutrition. When consumed in excess, it’s a toxin. And it’s addictive."

—Robert Lustig

"Sugar is celebratory. Sugar is something that we used to enjoy. Now, it basically has coated our tongues. It's turned into a diet staple, and it's killing us."

—Robert Lustig

"We have an epidemic of obese six-month-olds. We actually have an epidemic of obese newborns. They don't diet and exercise. How do you explain that? It's what the mother consumed. Well, who told her to do that? The obstetricians."

—Robert Lustig

Inevitably, the manufacturers of processed food argue that they have allowed us to become the people we want to be, fast and busy, no longer slaves to the stove. But in their hands, the salt, sugar, and fat they have used to propel this social transformation are not nutrients as much as weapons—weapons they deploy, certainly, to defeat their competitors but also to keep us coming back for more.

Michael Moss

If sugar is the methamphetamine of processed food ingredients, with its high-speed, blunt assault on our brains, then fat is the opiate, a smooth operator whose effects are less obvious but no less powerful.

— Michael Moss

"The fast-food industry has moved into the grocery store, so you no longer have to go to a fast-food chain to find problematic foods."

— Michael Moss

Some 1.2 billion people in the world still have too little to eat; the same number today suffer from being overweight…..For the first time in 100 years medical experts are predicting that life expectancy in developed countries will fall. Thanks to obesity our children face the prospect of dying younger than us.” 

Felicity Lawrence

Industrial cereal processing produces acrylamide. Acrylamide is a chemical compound that has been known to cause cancer in animals for many years and was classified as a probable human carcinogen in 1994.”

—Felicity Lawrence

"One of the earliest convenience foods, processed cereals represent a triumph of marketing, packaging and US economic and foreign policy & Somehow they have wormed into our confused consciousness as intrinsically healthy when by and large they are degraded foods that have to have any goodness artificially restored."

—Felicity Lawrence

diets that are high in sugar and processed foods are bad for our microbes, and by extension for our health, and diets that are high in vegetables and fruits are good for both.

Tim Spector

"Food output in affluent societies, which are already producing vastly more food than they can consume, keeps on rising. Advertising for food shows no signs of decline. And preoccupation with the consequences arising from a surfeit of food—ubiquitous dieting and obesity—or from consuming specific nutrients—fats, sugars, vitamins—is reaching new highs. These highs are in no small part aided by the many unscrupulous endorsements of outrageous diets, which range from pseudo-Paleolithic carnivory to uncompromising veganism, by one-time Hollywood actresses and Oz-like publicity-hungry physicians."

Vaclav Smil