Vestens tragedie

Den vestlige "sivilisasjons" STORE tragedie

Den vestlige "sivilisasjon" med USA som drivkraft (dvs. kapitalismen) har systematisk undergravd menneskenes muligheter for et godt og sunt liv basert på komponentene for velvære, og lagt alt tilrette for utbredelse av sittesyken:

Etter at samfunnet har fjernet alle forutsetninger for et godt liv, skal man profitere gjennom et "helsevesen", dvs. Sykevesen som er mest opptatt av at alle er syke hele tiden, slik at de kan påtvinges den mest kostbare "behandling" til glede for helseforetakenes utallige direktører m/staber, rådgivere, konsulenter, osv. 

Helsekverket bedriver praktisk og profitabel helseforebygging i stor skala…

Noen lenker:

Reframing health to embrace design of our own well-being, Dubberly Design Office, 2010-05-01

The global food crisis: ABCD of food – how the multinationals dominate trade, the Guardian, 2011-06-02

Lifestyle and nutritional imbalances associated with Western diseases: causes and consequences of chronic systemic low-grade inflammation in an evolutionary context, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 2013-07

The promise and peril of universal health care, Science, 2018-08-24

Well-being in metrics and policy, Science, 2018-10-18

The BA Cartel Part 2 (of a 3 Part Series), Behind the News, 2020-03-25

Rethinking Urban and Food Policies to Improve Citizens Safety After COVID-19 Pandemic, Frontiers in Nutrition, 2020-10-08

Lucy Davies: The Organic Human: An Endangered Species, Off-Guardian, 2021-07-11

Commercial influence in health: from transparency to independence, BMJ,

The Sickness Industry: How Big Pharma Invents Crises & Normalises Dependency, New Dawn, 2021-04

Every spot of urban green space counts, UNZW, 2021-07-12

Diet, exercise, and sleep affect heart health, but why?, Harvard Gazette, 2021-08-05

Defending champion breaks record by eating 76 hot dogs in New York, Xinhuanet, 2021-07-05

The Politics of Health: The Flexner Report & its Impact on Modern Healthcare, Nutrition Diagnostics, 2021-09-14

John Enebak: Vi spiller legemiddelindustriens spill, Steigan, 2021-12-14

Superbugs, the Silent Pandemic, BBVA Open Mind, 2022-02-04

The illusion of evidence based medicine, BMJ, 2022-03-16

Wendy Orent: A Pandemic Playbook, Open Mind, 2022-08-04

Med Flexner-rapporten kunne tradisjonell medisin diskrediteres, HeMaLi, 2024-05-09

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986)

“I have found the missing link between the higher ape and civilized man: It is we.”
Konrad Lorenz (1889-1964)

Modern medicine is a negation of health. It isn't organized to serve human health, but only itself, as an institution. It makes more people sick than it heals.
Ivan Illich (1926-2002)

"Americans will eat garbage provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup."
Henry James (1843-1916)