Orthomolecular Medicine and Ionomics

Linus Pauling institute

Micronutrients Information Center

Orthomolecular Medicine, Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine


Linus Pauling: Orthomolecular Psychiatry, Science, 1968-04-19 (JSTOR)

Salutogenesis, Wikipedia

Ionomics Hub (iHUB), University of Nottingham

Ionomics, Wikipedia

Ionomics and the Study of the Plant Ionome, Annual Review of Plant Biology, 2008-06-02

Five Vitamins and Supplements That Might Actually be Worth Taking, Smithsonian Magazine, 2014-02-14

Antiviral Defense from the Gut, Harvard Medical School, 2020-11-18

A Health Crisis Exposed by the COVID Pandemic, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2021-01-15

Leserinnlegg: – Når legevitenskap blir kvakksalveri, Steigan, 2021-04-18

Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: a population-based case–control study in six countries, BMJ Nutrition, Prevention &Health, 2021-06-07

What foods help prevent a severe course of COVID?, DW, 2021-06-15

Orthomolecular nutrition, Well Being Pole, 2021-08-27

Optimalt immunforsvar? Få i deg dette!, HeMaLi, 2021-10-03

Mer D-vitamin! - Det går bedre med vitamin D, John Enebak Blog

Vitamin D styrer celledeling i immunceller, John Enebak,

R. Edgar Hope-Simpson: The Transmission of Epidemic Influenza, Springer-Link, 1992

Epidemic influenza and vitamin D, Epidemiology & Infection, 2006-09-07

Correspondence: epidemic influenza and vitamin D, Epidemiology & Infection, 2007-03-02

Vitamin D in preventive medicine: are we ignoring the evidence?, British Journal of Nutrition, 2007-03-09

Vitamin D Deficiency, NEJM, 2007-07-19

On the epidemiology of influenza, Virology Journal, 2008-02-25

Vitamin D controls T cell antigen receptor signaling and activation of human T cells, Nature Immunology, 2010-03-07

Another reason vitamin D is important: It gets T cells going, Scientific American, 2010-03-07

Scientists find why "sunshine" vitamin D is crucial, Reuters, 2010-03-07

Orthomolecular Medicine, IMCJ Intergrative Medicine: A Clinicians Journal, 2019-06

Vitamin D and evolution: Pharmacologic implications, Biochemical Pharmacology, 2020-03

Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity?, BMJ, 2020-09-17

Rapid Response: T-cells really are the superstars in fighting COVID-19 - but why are some of us so poor at making them?,BMJ,  2020-09-21

T-celler trenger vitamin D for å krige, Mer D-vitamin! - John Enebak blog, 2021-10-29

Vitamin D styrer celledeling i immunceller, Mer D-vitamin! - John Enebak blog, 2021-11-01

Protecting Against Viruses and other Threats to Wellness: The Roles of Cysteine and Selenocysteine, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2022-11-18

Strep A: How We Can Protect Our Children, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2022-12-31

Nutrient Benefit Statements and the 2010 Legal Victory Prohibiting FDA Censorship of Qualified Health Claims, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-01-12

Evidence Based Medicine Takes a New Turn, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-01-15

Do You Want to Die Old, or Sick?, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-02-13

Save Lives and Improve Public Health: Following the Data from Pellagra to Atherosclerosis, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-02-19

Orthomolecular plus Microbiome Science- Restoring the Immune System of a Farm Community, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-06-18

How to Prevent Deaths from Sepsis, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-06-23

How to Prevent Sepsis Mortality: Part 2, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-07-05

 Antioxidants Prevent and Can Reverse Cancer - 75 Years of Evidence Ignored by Our "Pharmaphilic" Media, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-09-07

Quantum Orthomolecular Medicine: The Bio- Orthophotonic Concept of Healing Energy, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2023-11-27

2024 (nyeste først):

The Vital Role of NAD+ and Niacin in Longevity and Well-being, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2024-03-22

Side Benefits, Not Side Effects, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2024-02-22

Ortomolekylær medisin (ernæringsterapi), NAFKAM, 2024-01-04

Beinbrudd og hjertesvikt

How are bones and the heart connected?, British Heart Foundation, 2020-09-30

Poor bone quality is linked to poor heart health, Queen Mary University, 2020-09-25

Osteoporotic Fractures and Heart Failure in the Community, American Journal of Medicine, 2011-05 (PDF