
Obesity Rates by Country 2023, World Population Review,

Food Supply, Our World in Data, 

Deadweight? — The Influence of Obesity on Longevity, NEJM, 2005-03-17

Obesity: the protein leverage hypothesis, Obesity Reviews, 2005-04-18 (PDF

Fat as an endocrine organ: influence of exercise, Journal of Applied Physiology, 2005-08-01

Childhood obesity: behavioral aberration or biochemical drive? Reinterpreting the First Law of Thermodynamics, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2006-08

The role of leptin and ghrelin in the regulation of food intake and body weight in humans: a review, Obesity Reviews, 2006-08-24

Sleep and obesity, Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 2011-07 (PMC

Hunter-Gatherer Energetics and Human Obesity, PLoS One, 2012-06-25

Adipose Tissue as an Endocrine Organ, Obesity, 2012-09-06

Isocaloric fructose restriction and metabolic improvement in children with obesity and metabolic syndrome, Obesity, 2015-10-26

It’s poverty, not individual choice, that is driving extraordinary obesity levels, the Conversation, 2018-02-19

Flere pasienter er ekstremt overvektige, Adressa, 2018-04-03

Nå er 7 av 10 nordmenn overvektige, NRK, 2018-10-18

Hunter-gatherers as models in public health, Obesity Reviews, 2018-12-03


Obesity : Health and Economic Consequences of an Impending Global Challenge, World Bank, 2020

Risk of COVID‐19 for patients with obesity, Obesity Reviews, 2020-04-13

"Challenging the dogma", International Journal of Obesity, 2020-05-22

Obesity and covid-19: the role of the food industry, BMJ, 2020-06-10

‘Junk food is the new tobacco’: experts call for restrictions to tackle obesity, the Guardian, 2020-07-19

COVID-19: Hospitalization significantly higher for those overweight, MedicalXpress, 2020-08-14

Individuals with obesity and COVID‐19: A global perspective on the epidemiology and biological relationships, Obesity Reviews, 2020-08-26

Obesity increases risk of Covid-19 death by 48%, study finds, Guardian, 2020-08-26

Sannsynligvis er du overvektig. Det er et politisk problem., Aftenposten, 2020-09-14

Obesity may increase fatal complications in COVID-19, DW, 2020-09-15


Pfizer vaccine may be less effective in people with obesity, says study, Guardian, 2021-02-28

Sammenhengen mellom overvekt og covid-19, Steigan, 2021-03-06

Severe COVID in young people can mostly be explained by obesity – new study, the Conversation, 2021-04-29

Leptin and Obesity: Role and Clinical Implication, Frontiers in Endochrinology, 2021-05-18

Pandemic weight gain fuels diet interest in Turkey, Daily Sabah, 2021-06-06

Obesity and overweight, WHO, 2021-06-09

A primer on obesity-related cardiomyopathy, Physiological Reviews, 2021-10-04


Beer, wine, and spirits differentially influence body composition in older white adults–a United Kingdom Biobank study, Obesity Science and Practice, 2022-02-07

Obesity, Delancey Place, 2022-04-14

New WHO report: Europe can reverse its obesity “epidemic”, WHO, 2022-05-03

U.N.: Obesity levels in Europe at 'epidemic proportions', Japan Times, 2022-05-04

The epidemic of obesity keeps getting worse. What's a good holobiont supposed to do?, the Proud Holobionts, 2022-05-21

Langt flere studenter er overvektige eller sliter med fedme. Gutta har det tøffest, Khrono, 2022-09-29

Macronutrient (im)balance drives energy intake in an obesogenic food environment: An ecological analysis, Obesity, 2022-11-02

Study confirms that processed foods key to rising obesity, Charles Perkins Centre, 2022-11-08


Anti-obesity drugs or surgery now advised for some US children, BBC News, 2023-01-10

Scientists Reveal Genetic Mechanism Linked to High-Calorie Food-Fueled Obesity, SciTechDaily, 2023-02-04

Half of the world on track to be overweight or obese by 2035, Al Jazeera, 2023-03-03

World Obesity Atlas 2023, World Obesity Federation, 2023

Economic impact of overweight and obesity to surpass $4 trillion by 2035, World Obesity Federation, 2023-03-02

Diet and exercise programs alone won't tackle childhood obesity, University of Sydney News, 2023-03-22

Obesity, Delancey Place, 2023-04-13

One in every three Turkish adults is obese: Expert, Hürriyet News, 2023-05-17

Helsetjenestekostnader ved overvekt og fedme på individnivå versus populasjonsnivå – en HUNT-studie, Tidsskriftet, 2023-09-19

2024 (nyeste først:)

Gaps remain between what's known about obesity and how it's being treated, American Heart Association News, 2024-05-20

One out of every five in Türkiye combat obesity, Daily Sabah, 2024-05-10

Effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on pain and quality of life in female patients with lipedema: a randomized controlled trial, Obesity, 2024-04-16 (PDF

Legeforeningen kritisk til bestilling av slankesprøyter via mobilen, NRK, 2024-05-07

A New Way To Treat Obesity? Scientists Discover Surprising Effects of New Drug, SciTech Daily, 2024-05-05

Robert Newton: Good news: midlife health is about more than a waist measurement. Here’s why, the Conversation, 2024-04-19

Operasjonane kirurgen gjer blir farlegare fordi stadig fleire har fedme, NRK, 2024-03-26

More than one billion people now living with obesity, global analysis suggests, ICL News, 2024-02-29

Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults, the Lancet, 2024-02-29

How obesity dismantles our mitochondria, UC San Diego, 2024-01-29

Christopher Damman: Your body already has a built-in weight loss system that works like Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro – food and your gut microbiome, the Conversation, 2024-01-16