
Junk Food

Manufactured deliciousness: Why you can’t stop overeating (plus 3 strategies to get control), Precision Nutrition, 

Chris Van Tulleken: Ultra-Processed People - Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn't Food ... and Why Can't We Stop?

Chris Van Tulleken: Ultra-Processed People: From the Introduction 

Whole Grains, the Nutrition Source, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, 

Nova groups for food processing, Open Food Facts, 

Processed Food: An Experiment That Failed, Robert Lustig

Sugar and fat: sensory and hedonic evaluation of liquid and solid foods, Physiology & Behavior, 2003-03-03

Too Fat to Fight - Retired Military Leaders Want Junk Food Out of America’s Schools, Mission Readiness, 2010

Snacks mean U.S. kids moving toward "constant eating", Reuters, 2010-03-02

Yoghurt and the functional food revolution, BBC News, 2010-12-06

Chorleywood: The bread that changed Britain, BBC News, 2011-06-07

Chorleywood Baking Process, BAKERPedia, ????-??-??

Chorleywood bread process, Wikipedia, 2023-04-27

Is fast food addictive?, Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 2011

Variety and hyperpalatability: are they promoting addictive overeating?, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2011-08-01

Fast food fever: reviewing the impacts of the Western diet on immunity, Nutrition Journal, 2014-06-17

Is a Calorie a Calorie? Processed Food, Experiment Gone Wrong, Stanford Health Care - YouTube, 2015-04-23

Processed food: An experiment that failed | Prof. Robert Lustig | EAT Stockholm Food Forum 2015, EAT - YouTube, 2015-06-02

Ultra-processed food purchases in Norway: a quantitative study on a representative sample of food retailers, Public Health Nutrition, 2015-12-23 (PDF

NOVA. The star shines bright, World Nutrition, 2016-01…03 (PDF

The Adulteration of Food, UCTV - YouTube, 2016-08-03

11 Ways Processed Food Is Different from Real Food, LiveScience, 2017-01-23

Are we eating real food or edible, foodlike substances?, In Defence of Processed Food, 2017-02-16

The UN Decade of Nutrition, the NOVA food classification and the trouble with ultra-processing, Public Health Nutrition, 2017-03-21

Sugar-Sweetened Beverages are Now Cheaper than Bottled Water in Many Countries, Newsweek, 2017-05-04

Hvorfor smager usund mad så godt?, Videnskab.dk, 2017-09-04

Mayo Clinic Minute: What are ultraprocessed foods?, YouTube, 2018-04-02

Ultra-Processed Foods: Definitions and Policy Issues, Current Development in Nutrition, 2018-09-14

Ultra-processed foods, diet quality, and health using the NOVA classification system, FAO, 2019 (PDF

Ultra-processed foods: what they are and how to identify them, Public Health Nutrition , 2019-02-12 (PDF

First strict test shows why a junk-food diet packs on weight, Nature, 2019-05-16

Ultra-Processed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain: An Inpatient Randomized Controlled Trial of Ad Libitum Food Intake, Cell Metabolism, 2019-05-16

How ultra-processed food took over your shopping basket, the Guardian, 2020-02-13

Ultra-Processed Foods and Health Outcomes: A Narrative Review, Nutrients, 2020-06-30

For a healthier world, target ultra-processed foods, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, 2021-04-15

Towards unified and impactful policies to reduce ultra-processed food consumption and promote healthier eating, the Lancet  Diabetes&Endochrinology, 2021-04-15 (PMC

The Effect of Mediterranean Diet on Cognitive Functions in the Elderly Population, Nutrients, 2021-06-16

Does Fast Food Have Addictive Chemicals?, Addictions, 2021-07-29

JUNK FOOD, DelanceyPlace, 2021-08-04


Banning the promotion of soft drinks could be more effective than a sugar tax, the Conversation, 2022-02-18

The Immediate Impact Of Junk Food On Your Cells, Twisted Veggies, ????-??-??

Number crunching: why ultra-processed foods have a calorie problem, the Guardian, 2022-05-17

Are highly processed foods bad for children?, American Society for Nutrition, 2022-06-15

The ultra-processed foods hypothesis: a product processed well beyond the basic ingredients in the package, Nutrition Research Review, 2022-06-22

Denne maten ga utslag blant barn: Hadde dårligere fysisk form, NRK, 2022-06-26

Bunk, Junk, and Food: On Defending a Line, True Health Initiative, 2022-06-21

Fast food fever: how ultra-processed meals are unhealthier than you think, the Guardian, 2022-10-16

Ferskt vann?, Steigan, 2022-10-19

Study confirms that processed foods key to rising obesity, Charles Perkins Centre, 2022-11-08

Highly processed foods can be considered addictive substances based on established scientific criteria, Addiction, 2022-11-09

the Nickel Coke, Delancey Place, 2022-12-02

Impact of energy density on energy intake in children and adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, European Journal of Nutrition, 2022-12-02 (PMC


Dyrere å velge meieriprodukter uten tilsatt sukker, NRK, 2023-02-06

Sara N. Burke: Ultraprocessed foods – like cookies, chips, frozen meals and fast food – may contribute to cognitive decline, the Conversation, 2023-01-31

Ultra-processed food consumption, cancer risk and cancer mortality: a large-scale prospective analysis within the UK Biobank, eClinical Medicine, 2023-01-31

New Study Alarms: Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Increased Risk of Cancer & Death, SciTechDaily, 2023-02-06

Ultra-processed food consumption and cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Clinical Nutrition, 2023-03-30

Unlocking Effective Weight Loss: Investigating the Impact of “Hyper-Palatable” Foods Across Four Diets, SciTech Daily, 2023-02-20

Could ultra-processed foods be harmful for us?, BBC News, 2023-06-05

Inflammasjon preger tarm-mikrobiomet i industrialiserte land, Jan Raa, 2023-06-29

Eva Fjeldstad: Prosessert og ultraprosessert mat, Steigan, 2023-07-16

Prosessert og ultraprosessert mat – tilsetningsstoffer, Steigan, 2023-07-31

The truth about ultra processed food | Dr. Chris van Tulleken and Tim Spector, YouTube, 2023-08-21

Eva Fjeldstad: Prosessert og ultraprosessert mat – smaksforsterkere, Steigan, 2023-09-04

Ultra-processed foods: the 19 things everyone needs to know, the Guardian, 2023-09-06

Many of today’s unhealthy foods were brought to you by Big Tobacco, Washington Post, 2023-09-19

What can we do about ultraprocessed foods?, Knowable Magazine, 2023-09-20

Leverpostei for barn får kritikk: – Full av søppel og matsminke, NRK, 2023-10-01

Social, clinical, and policy implications of ultra-processed food addiction, BMJ, 2023-10-09 (PDF

Mattilsynet mener syk og selvdød laks var på vei til forbrukerne, NRK, 2023-10-11

New Study Ties Ultraprocessed Foods to IBD, MedScape, 2023-10-30

Laks vurdert vraket – ble i stedet solgt som premium­vare, NRK, 2023-11-15

Lise Lillebrygfjeld Halse: Den glade laksen og dens ukritiske støttespillere, Panorama, 2023-11-17

How unhealthy are ultra-processed foods?, France24, 2023-12-09

Norsk laks, en dødssjuk gruvearbeider og svenske detektiver, NRK, 2023-12-16

2024 (nyeste først):

Snack Attack: How Chips and Soda Impact Brain Health and Stroke Risk, SciTech Daily, 2024-05-22

Mage og tarm: Et brøl om mindre ultraprosessert mat!, HeMaLi, 2024-04-30

Lerøy har nye funn av listeriabakterien som herjet i Sverige, NRK, 2024-04-28

Survey reveals huge gaps in knowledge about what we eat, Digital Journal, 2024-04-23

Eva Fjeldstad: Vårt daglige og skadelige (?) brød Del I, Takk for maten?, 2024-04-04

Åtte år med lovnader om sunnere mat: Mener matbransjen er en fiende av folkehelsa, NRK, 2024-03-11

Ny studie knytter ultrabehandlet mat til 32 skadelige helsetilstander, NRK, 2024-03-04

Ultra-processed food exposure and adverse health outcomes: umbrella review of epidemiological meta-analyses, BMJ, 2024-02-28 (PDF

Hekta på mat, Adressa, 2024-02-07

 Lakseselskap har i flere år solgt laks som ikke egner seg som menneskemat, NRK, 2024-02-01

Lerøy: Over 700 listeriafunn i slakteri, NRK, 2024-01-19

Eric Robinson: Ultra-processed foods: here’s what the evidence actually says about them, the Conversation, 2024-01-15

Oppdrettslaksen er ikke naturlig rosa, den er hvitbeige, NRK, 2024-01-14