Mental helse

Estimating the true global burden of mental illness, the Lancet Psychiatry, 2016-02-04 (PDF

Social relationships and physiological determinants of longevity across the human life span, PNAS, 2016-01-04 (PDF

A systematic review of brief mental health and well-being interventions in organizational settings, Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health , 2017-03 (JSTOR


Effect of Nature Walks on Depression and Anxiety: A Systematic Review, Sustainability, 2021-04-04, Sustainability, Special Issue "Psychological Benefits of Walking or Staying in Forest Areas", 2021

Results From The World's Largest Wellbeing Study Are In: Here's What We Know, Science Alert, 2021-04-19

A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions to improve mental wellbeing, Nature Human Behavior, 2021-04-19

Insights into the role of diet and dietary flavanols in cognitive aging: results of a randomized controlled trial, Nature Scientific Reports, 2021-02-15 (PDF

Children Who Eat More Fruit and Veg Have Better Mental Health, University of East Anglia, 2021-09-27

Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study, BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, 2021-09-27

Jo mer frukt og grønt barna spiste, desto bedre var den mentale helsen, NRK, 2021-10-04


Lynn Parramore: Our Economic System is Making Us Mentally Ill, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2022-03-18

Mental health hygiene can improve mood, decrease stress, Harvard Medicine Scope, 2022-05-11

Motion, Relation, and Passion in Brain Physiological and Cognitive Aging, Brain Sciences, 2022-08-24

Dag-Helge Rønnevik: Er det piller og terapi vi skal tilby ungdommen?, Aftenposten, 2022-10-02

stress and colds, Delancey Place, 2022-10-06


Dietary flavanols restore hippocampal-dependent memory in older adults with lower diet quality and lower habitual flavanol consumption, PNAS, 2023-05-30

Lifestyle Enrichment in Later Life and Its Association With Dementia Risk, JAMA, 2023-07-14

Crosswords and chess may help more than socialising in avoiding dementia, Monash University, 2023-07-15

Kan høyt inntak av frukt og grønnsaker forsinke kognitiv aldring?, Tidsskriftet, 2023-09-11

Healthy lifestyle can help prevent depression – and new research may explain why, University of Cambridge, 2023-09-11

The brain structure, immunometabolic and genetic mechanisms underlying the association between lifestyle and depression, Nature Mental Health, 2023-09-11

Brain health: six key questions answered, the Guardian, 2023-11-02

Mind-Body Link Exposed: Unraveling the Physical Costs of Mental Disorders, SciTech News, 2023-11-11

2024 (nyeste først):

Unlocking Brain Health Through the Science of Nutrition, SciTech Daily, 2024-04-11

Vi bruker lite tid i stillhet. Det burde vi, mener forsker, NRK, 2024-02-29