dietter, etc.

Her samler jeg lenker til og om dietter, o.l. Mange er befengt med sterke kommersielle interesser som jeg avstår fra…

Eating Healthy with Walter Willett, University of Minnesota

Essential elements in the human body, BioNumbers

Katharine Milton: Nutritional characteristics of wild primate foods: do the diets of our closest living relatives have lessons for us?, Nutrition, 1999 (PDF

Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets, Weston Price Foundation, 2000-01-01

Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets, Permanente Journal, 2013-06-01 (PDF

The Okinawan diet: health implications of a low-calorie, nutrient-dense, antioxidant-rich dietary pattern low in glycemic load, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 2013-06-14

Why most food labels are wrong about calories, the Conversation, 2015-01-05

Past, Present, and Future of Healthy Life Expectancy, Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 2015-11 (PMC) (PDF

Why you need to ditch the diet if you want to lose weight, Wired, 2016-05-27

The Impact of the Mediterranean Diet on the Cognitive Functioning of Healthy Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Advances in Nutrition, 2017-07-06 (PMC

The Ten Defining Characteristics of a Well-Formulated Ketogenic Diet, Virta, 2018-08-13

What is the Pioppi diet?, BBC GoodFood, 2018-08-29

Definition, foods, and health benefits of the mediterranean diet, Tuscany Diet

Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems, the Lancet, 2019-02-02

A Review of “The Pioppi Diet: A 21-Day Lifestyle Plan”, Joel Kahn - Medium, 2019-02-28

9 Foods That Are Considered Superfoods, ThoughtCo, 2019-03-17

Why do diets fail? Professor Tim Spector debunks myths, the Guardian, 2019-12-17

Professor Tim Spector's Top 5 Tips For a Healthy Gut Microbiome, YouTube, 2021-05-15

Ketogenic Diet, StatPearls, 2021-06-11

Professor Tim Spector’s top 5 tips for a healthier gut microbiome, Zoe, ????-??-??

A diet that’s healthy for people and the environment, Harvard Gazette, 2021-02-10

Tim Spector debunks the myths of healthy eating, Tatler, 2021-08-18

Best Diets Overall 2022, US News, 2022-??-??

Analysis of the SYSDIET Healthy Nordic Diet randomized trial based on metabolic profiling reveal beneficial effects on glucose metabolism and blood lipids, Clinical Nutrition, 2021-12-24

Markos Klonizakis: Vegan or Mediterranean diet – which is better for heart health?, the Conversation, 2019-02-07


Richard Hoffman: Extra virgin olive oil: why it’s healthier than other cooking oils, the Conversation, 2022-02-14

Micronutrients and food choice: A case of ‘nutritional wisdom’ in humans?, Apetite, 2022-04-27

Six Applications of Plant Based Diets for Health Promotion, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2022-05-26 (PDF

Keto and Mediterranean diets both help manage diabetes, but one is easier to maintain, Stanford Medicine, 2022-07-08

6 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet, SciTech Daily, 2022-07-22

This Diet vs That Diet, and the Winner Is…, True Health Initiative, 2022-07-24

Herbs and Spices Modulate Gut Bacterial Composition in Adults at Risk for CVD: Results of a Prespecified Exploratory Analysis from a Randomized, Crossover, Controlled-Feeding Study, the Journal of Nutrition, 2022-09-02

Biomarkers predict weight loss, suggest personalized diets, Stanford News, 2023-01-04

Ceren Kabukcu: The real Paleo diet: new archaeological evidence changes what we thought about how ancient humans prepared food, the Conversation, 2022-11-23


Healthy Eating Patterns and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality, JAMA Internal Medicine, 2023-01-09

Unlocking Effective Weight Loss: Investigating the Impact of “Hyper-Palatable” Foods Across Four Diets, SciTech Daily, 2023-02-20

Optimal dietary patterns for prevention of chronic disease, Nature Medicine, 2023-03-13

Mediterranean diet associated with decreased risk of dementia, Newcastle University, 2023-03-14

The Carbon Footprint of Food Diets, BBVA Open Mind, 2023-04-18

Less Is More: The Diet Strategy Proven To Slow Aging in Healthy Adults, SciTech Daily, 2023-04-19

Incident type 2 diabetes attributable to suboptimal diet in 184 countries, Nature Medicine, 2023-04-17

Keto – It’s Probably Not Right for You, Harvard SITN, 2023-05-10

Why the keto diet works for me, Nigel Green, 2023-06-02

Green Mediterranean Diet: How Eating Healthy Can Make Your Brain Younger, SciTech Daily, 2023-06-04

5 Turkish superfoods you need to know about, Daily Sabah, 2023-09-14

Spis plantebasert – for kloden og for helsa, Tidsskriftet, 2023-10-17

2024 (nyeste først:)

Diversifying Diet, Harvard Magazine, 2024-06…07

According to New USC Research, Following This Diet Reduces Biological Age in Humans, SciTech Daily, 2024-02-24

Justin Roberts, Joseph Lillis and Mark Cortnage: People in the world’s ‘blue zones’ live longer – their diet could hold the key to why , the Conversation, 2024-01-24

Looking for the best low-carb diet? Plant-based wins again, Harvard Gazette, 2024-01-05