Tidsbegrenset foring

Tidsbegrenset foring/periodisk fasting  ("Time-Restricted Feeding", "Intermittent Fasting") innebærer at man begrenser næringsinntaket til en kortere periode av døgnet slik at kroppen faster relativt lenge. Det skal visstnok ha betydning for metabolisme, mikrobiota, mv.

Lenker (nyeste først):

A Clinician's Experience of 15 Years of Intermittent Fasting, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, 2024-04-09

Duane Mellor: Ramadan and Lent fasts could have cardiovascular benefits, the Conversation, 2024-03-14

Eating in a 10-Hour Window Linked to Increased Mood and Energy, SciTech News, 2023-11-16

Forskere kan ha funnet enda flere fordeler med periodisk faste, NRK, 2023-01-15

Randomized controlled trial for time-restricted eating in healthy volunteers without obesity, Nature Communications, 2022-02-22

Alt tyder på at periodisk faste er bra for helsa, NRK, 2022-01-18

Intermittent Fasting and Obesity-Related Health Outcomes - An Umbrella Review of Meta-analyses of Randomized Clinical Trials, JAMA, 2021-12-17

Effect of time restricted eating on body weight and fasting glucose in participants with obesity: results of a randomized, controlled, virtual clinical trial, Nature Nutrition & Diabetes, 2021-01-15

Time-Restricted Eating: Benefits, Mechanisms, and Challenges in Translation, iScience, 2020-06-2

Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease, NEJM, 2019-12-26

Time-restricted feeding improves adaptation to chronically alternating light-dark cycles, Nature Scientific Reports, 2019-05-27

Benefits of time-restricted feeding, Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2018-09-14

Time-Restricted Eating: A Beginner's Guide, Healthline, 2017-09-17

Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting, Annual Review of Nutrition, 2017-08

Is Ramadan fasting related to health outcomes? A review on the related evidence, Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2014-10 (PDF)