
Denne siden oppdateres ikke; fortsettes i Lymfehypotesen

Lymfesystemet er lite påaktet, men det spiller en avgjørende rolle med henblikk på kroppens tilstand og funksjon, og dermed for helse og velvære.

Lymfesystemet er kroppens system for fjerning og rensing av avfallstoffer, samt vedlikehold av (det humorale) immunsystemet.

Lymfesystemet omfatter lymfeårer, lymfeganger, lymfekjertler, lymfevev, mandlene, milten, benmarg, thymus (brisselet).

Man har lenge trodd at hjernen og sentralnervesystemet ikke omfattes av lymfesystemet, men dette er visstnok avkreftet ganske nylig…?

Lymfesystemet har flere funksjoner:


Blodomløpet har en pumpe (hjertet), mens lymfen beveges ved at musklene trekkes sammen. Derfor er mosjon helt avgjørende for et velfungerende lymfesystem…

Lymfen beveger seg kun en vei, og lymfegangene har klaffer for å hindre bakstrøm…

Sittesykens bevegelsesfobi lammer lymfesystemet, og gjør kroppen forsvarsløs overfor alskens patogener…

Noen lenker

Lymphatic System, Science Olympiad, ????-??-?? (utmerket 10 siders hefte)

Interstitial fluid and lymph formation and transport: physiological regulation and roles in inflammation and cancer, Physiological Reviews, 2012-07-01

Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications, Science Daily, 2015-06-01

Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels, Nature, 2015-06-01

The Lymphatic System: How to Make It Strong & Effective, Dr. Axe, 2015-10-24

Lymphatic pumping: mechanics, mechanisms and malfunction, Journal of Physiology, 2016-08-02

How Do Meningeal Lymphatic Vessels Drain the CNS?, Trends in Neurosciences, 2016-09-01

Lymphatics in Neurological Disorders: A Neuro-Lympho-Vascular Component of Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s Disease?, Neuron, 2016-09-06

The Lymphatic System: Integral Roles in Immunity, Annual Review of Immunology, 2017-04

Top 10 Foods for a Super Healthy Lymphatic System, Heal You Naturally, 2017 (PDF)

Lymphatic System Flows, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2018-01 (PDF

Systems Immunology: Learning the Rules of the Immune System, Annual Review of Immunology, 2018-04 (PDF)

Functional aspects of meningeal lymphatics in ageing and Alzheimer’s disease, Nature, 2018-07-25

What Are the Components of the Lymphatic System?, ThoughtCo, 2019-07-13

Exercise and the lymphatic system, MD Andersen Center, 2019-11

Lymphatic System, Cleveland Clinic, 2020-02-23

lymfesystemet, Store Medisinske Leksikon, 2021-02-10

The Great Lymphatic System, the Body’s Sewer System, Martin's Wellness, ????-??-??

Image segmentation for neuroscience: lymphatics, Journal of Physics Photonics, 2021-06-17

What Is the Main Function of the Lymphatic System?, MedicineNet, 2021-11-18

Meningeal Lymphatics: An Immune Gateway for the Central Nervous System, Cells, 2021-12-01

7 Exercises That Flush Your Lymphatic System, Power of Positivity,2019-06-21

Critically Important and All but Ignored: Lymphatic Flow, Udumbara, 2022-02-24

Lymph vs. Interstitial Fluid: An Overview (2024), Respiratory Therapy Zone, 2024-03-23

The Best Exercises for Lymphatic Drainage, Livestrong, ????-??-??

Get the Lymphatic System Moving With the Best Exercise!, David Wolfe, ????-??-??